Ready to get an applicant magnet? 

The Story

Skills shortage – it feels like not a single day goes by without mentioning it in the media, in your own company or among friends. However, we live in times of great change!

The boomer generation is increasingly saying goodbye to working life. At the same time, there is a lack of capable and committed employees. The offspring also seems to be completely absent or at least unwilling for the previous structures.

In many of the large and classic companies, patriarchal and hierarchical management structures still apply today. That went well for many decades and has certainly led Germany to the very top.

Now the question arises: Where have they all gone, the (well-trained) future employees?

Do you feel the same way in your company?

The Problem

We, from Female Pioneering, do not believe that there won’t be no skilled workers “suddenly”, but that it is a sign of change. Employees want to work less and less in the old, male-dominated management structures - with competitive thinking, "challenges" and working against each other. Leadership through control and distrust today offers less and less incentive to get involved in a company with all your might.

The Solution

In our opinion, it´s necessary to strengthen and work out the female aspect in all (leadership) forces - such as the connecting, the mindful and the supportive. As Female Pioneers, we support you as a company in slowly transforming old management structures. Therefore we are breaking new grounds in your (management) organization, which acts like a magnet for new employees and at the same time ensures that the fluctuation of existing staff is reduced.

How do we do it?

We look behind the scenes at the existing structures and reflect on them in the context of the current time. Fast-growing and agile companies in particular face the challenge that they need many new managers, who, however, have to be recruited from existing, male-dominated organizations. This makes any natural development much more difficult.

How it works?

We truly belief that all of it is possible through a holistic and connecting approach. Our part is being a signpost, bridge builder and creator of opportunities.

Therefore, we focus more on the female aspects. The feminine as a balancing element for a healthy economy, a healthy togetherness and a healthy self. This does not mean that only women should be hired from now on. Masculine and feminine aspects are present in every human being. Our goal is to bring them together and to put the connecting, mindful and empathetic at eye level.

Get first results in our Speed exploration rooms

In 90 minutes to first individual directions.

You check the ideas directly for individual feasibility.

Different perspectives help you to recognize your blind spots. 

Exploration rooms in January 23

  • 17.01.23 - 12-1.30 pm
  • 25.01.23 - 4.30-6 pm 

How we can support you furthermore

Keynote Speech & Exploration Rooms

Still not sure if the Female Pioneering approach is right for you? Immerse yourself in the field of your organizational possibilities with our keynote speeches and exploration rooms.

Status-quo analysis

With a status-quo analyse, we offer you quick access to the potential that is already available and perhaps untapped. We give you the opportunity to create needs-based working environments and to become an applicant magnet in your sphere of activity.

We accompany you

You don't want to walk the path of change alone and are looking for a purposeful transformation accompany? We support you in your individual points of action.

Would you like to know more about your opportunities? Let's talk!
